We met upon typed words, fate, could be.
I spilled my life into your hands, but did you
cup it securely enough?

I seeped down within my own voices,
finding a life of their own.
I know I hurt you, yet I still 
mock you behind your back?

I haven't been a good friend...
You arrogant ass, do you really think
you understand me?

I twiddle my thumbs, one stuck up my
ass wondering when if this going to end.

I course through my own veins wanting to die,
finally finding peace.

And humpty dumpty fell off the wall.....

The same words spoken, but is anything getting

Please wait to be seated......

Why do I feel like your secrets are mine?
Hey! Have I got your attention, does anything
ever faze you?

I wonder what you see when you look into a mirror.
Why do I feel cidal, possessed with someone else's ghost?

You told me once that when you die, you wanted
to come back as my guardian angel, well, where are
you, I am waiting.